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Gourmet Gringo

Author:  Mari Meyers

ISBN:  978-1-885590-16-9

Pub Date:  4/15/1996

Size:  7" x 10"

Binding:  Perfect Bound

Price:   $14.95

Click to enlarge
From the Publisher
Presenting tempting appetizers, festive dips and salads, one-dish meals and dinner casseroles, spicy entrees and sweet desserts. Celebrates the Mexican influence on the American kitchen. By Mari Meyers.
Chicken Mole à la Dolores
This mole (MOH-lay), the signature dish of my sister Doña Dolores, a long-time resident of Mexico, has a brown Mexican sauce that is a concoction of chiles, onion, garlic, bell peppers and tomatoes with a subtle flavoring of chocolate. Fried chicken is simmered with this mixture for an enchanting dish that is traditionally cooked by Mexicans on Christmas Eve. It is a simple receta de cocina (cooking recipe) compared to the one said to date from 1642 with a sauce for guajalote, also called pavo (turkey), that was said to contain two dozen ingredients.

1 (3 1/2 pound) frying chicken
1/2 cup flour
salt and freshly ground pepper
1/2 cup (maybe more) vegetable shortening
1 cup chopped onion
1 tablespoon finely chopped garlic
1 cup chopped red bell peppers
3 fresh long green chiles, roasted (page 163), peeled, seeded and diced
2 cups peppered tomato sauce (page 159)
2 teaspoons powdered pasilla chile pepper
1/4 teaspoon hot pepper sauce
2 whole cloves
1 teaspoon chopped cilantro
2 ounces (2 squares) unsweetened (pure) chocolate
1 cup chicken stock (page 73)

Clean and cut up chicken, removing all fat. Give chicken a cleansing bath in salt water for 15 minutes. Drain on paper toweling. Dredge in flour mixed with salt and pepper. Use an electric skillet, extra large (12-inch) skillet or heat-proof casserole to brown chicken parts in shortening. As chicken pieces become sufficiently browned, about 20 to 25 minutes, remove to utility plate. Retain 2 to 3 tablespoons of shortening in skillet and sauté onion, garlic and bell pepper until soft. Add chiles, peppered tomato sauce, powdered pasilla, hot pepper sauce, cloves, cilantro and chocolate squares. Stir until chocolate melts and blends in completely. Use stock to thin mole sauce as desired. Return chicken to skillet and simmer about 30 minutes, turning chicken pieces once. Serve hot.

Serves 4.

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